28 December 2012

California Meteor 27DEC2012

California Meteor ~615 am PST 27DEC2012

If you witnessed this meteor event please file a meteor sighting report with this site; thank you!

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports:
27DEC2012 Joe Corona, California 6:15:00 3 seconds right to left going south white orange and maybe blue sun yes no picture

27DEC2012 H Duplessis Valley Center, CA 6:30 am  pst 2 seconds I was facing south east.  White streak traveled down in easternly direction First a white streak falling east then ended with a green blast (green fireball?) Very bright white similar to  burning magnesium not noticed sky was clear, streak & green fireball were very distinct

27DEC2012 Millie Etter Canoga Park, California 6:00am PST maybe 10 seconds heading South on Topanga Canyon Road/Victory Blvd stop light white Very birght and clear, like moon no frag, long clean flairing tail- seemed large The sky was clear, dark/black...was super clear out- outstanding thing to see

27DEC2012 Frank Elguera LOS ANGELES 06:10 PST 3 sec W Right to Left facing south west WHITE BLUE, no sound Venus No Impact in atmosphere created a big diamond shaped bolide

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

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