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in Worldwide Readers of this Site! 163 Countries!!!
21 Jan 2012 to 2 Sep 2012: 359,031 visits shown above |
Total visitors since 19 Jan 2009: 959,317.
Over 2,187,981 Page Views!
Statistics updated 2 Sep 2012@08:28GMT: 359,468 visits [Totals Below- See Table]
United States (US) | 221,923 | |
Canada (CA) | 37,162 | |
United Kingdom (GB) | 31,541 | |
Australia (AU) | 10,243 | |
Germany (DE) | 4,252 | |
India (IN) | 3,219 | |
France (FR) | 3,027 | |
Italy (IT) | 2,997 | |
Brazil (BR) | 2,190 | |
New Zealand (NZ) | 2,173 | |
Japan (JP) | 1,858 | |
Philippines (PH) | 1,836 | |
Netherlands (NL) | 1,697 | |
Malaysia (MY) | 1,574 | |
Switzerland (CH) | 1,381 | |
South Africa (ZA) | 1,359 | |
Belgium (BE) | 1,349 | |
Mexico (MX) | 1,292 | |
Poland (PL) | 1,261 | |
Sweden (SE) | 1,206 | |
Spain (ES) | 1,176 | |
Indonesia (ID) | 1,169 | |
Ireland (IE) | 1,089 | |
Norway (NO) | 785 | |
Denmark (DK) | 754 | |
Russian Federation (RU) | 738 | |
Romania (RO) | 732 | |
Finland (FI) | 709 | |
Czech Republic (CZ) | 688 | |
Greece (GR) | 662 | |
Turkey (TR) | 655 | |
Morocco (MA) | 647 | |
Austria (AT) | 624 | |
Lebanon (LB) | 620 | |
Slovakia (SK) | 547 | |
Pakistan (PK) | 546 | |
Thailand (TH) | 542 | |
Portugal (PT) | 529 | |
Singapore (SG) | 494 | |
Serbia (RS) | 465 | |
Hungary (HU) | 459 | |
United Arab Emirates (AE) | 436 | |
Saudi Arabia (SA) | 359 | |
Slovenia (SI) | 336 | |
Puerto Rico (PR) | 335 | |
Ukraine (UA) | 328 | |
Cyprus (CY) | 322 | |
Belize (BZ) | 322 | |
Taiwan (TW) | 321 | |
Bulgaria (BG) | 314 | |
China (CN) | 311 | |
Argentina (AR) | 291 | |
Guatemala (GT) | 290 | |
Luxembourg (LU) | 289 | |
Hong Kong (HK) | 262 | |
Croatia (HR) | 253 | |
Sri Lanka (LK) | 245 | |
Asia/Pacific Region (AP) | 241 | |
Chile (CL) | 232 | |
Israel (IL) | 232 | |
Korea, Republic of (KR) | 229 | |
Latvia (LV) | 188 | |
Egypt (EG) | 185 | |
Trinidad and Tobago (TT) | 171 | |
Peru (PE) | 168 | |
Colombia (CO) | 166 | |
Lithuania (LT) | 165 | |
Mauritius (MU) | 151 | |
Algeria (DZ) | 145 | |
Estonia (EE) | 133 | |
Macedonia (MK) | 132 | |
Costa Rica (CR) | 127 | |
Venezuela (VE) | 116 | |
Malta (MT) | 115 | |
Qatar (QA) | 110 | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA) | 105 | |
Jamaica (JM) | 105 | |
Oman (OM) | 104 | |
Iraq (IQ) | 101 | |
Jordan (JO) | 100 | |
Barbados (BB) | 96 | |
Albania (AL) | 95 | |
Kenya (KE) | 94 | |
Vietnam (VN) | 93 | |
Bangladesh (BD) | 89 | |
Dominican Republic (DO) | 88 | |
Honduras (HN) | 75 | |
Kuwait (KW) | 74 | |
Fiji (FJ) | 70 | |
Bahrain (BH) | 69 | |
Nigeria (NG) | 61 | |
Aruba (AW) | 61 | |
Belarus (BY) | 61 | |
Netherlands Antilles (AN) | 59 | |
Tunisia (TN) | 53 | |
Panama (PA) | 52 | |
Uruguay (UY) | 50 | |
Iceland (IS) | 49 | |
Georgia (GE) | 48 | |
Palestinian Territory (PS) | 47 | |
Armenia (AM) | 46 | |
Tanzania, United Republic of (TZ) | 45 | |
El Salvador (SV) | 45 | |
Guam (GU) | 45 | |
Ecuador (EC) | 45 | |
Moldova, Republic of (MD) | 44 | |
Jersey (JE) | 44 | |
Ghana (GH) | 40 | |
Nepal (NP) | 38 | |
Brunei Darussalam (BN) | 36 | |
Cayman Islands (KY) | 35 | |
Bahamas (BS) | 34 | |
Paraguay (PY) | 33 | |
Isle of Man (IM) | 32 | |
Namibia (NA) | 30 | |
Maldives (MV) | 30 | |
Guernsey (GG) | 29 | |
Azerbaijan (AZ) | 28 | |
Syrian Arab Republic (SY) | 28 | |
Nicaragua (NI) | 27 | |
Saint Lucia (LC) | 25 | |
Cambodia (KH) | 23 | |
Bolivia (BO) | 23 | |
Mongolia (MN) | 22 | |
Senegal (SN) | 21 | |
Turks and Caicos Islands (TC) | 21 | |
Uzbekistan (UZ) | 20 | |
Myanmar (MM) | 20 | |
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (LY) | 19 | |
Bermuda (BM) | 17 | |
Gibraltar (GI) | 17 | |
Montenegro (ME) | 17 | |
Mauritania (MR) | 16 | |
Zimbabwe (ZW) | 16 | |
Virgin Islands, U.S. (VI) | 16 | |
Botswana (BW) | 16 | |
Macau (MO) | 15 | |
Uganda (UG) | 14 | |
Ethiopia (ET) | 13 | |
Guyana (GY) | 12 | |
Reunion (RE) | 12 | |
Martinique (MQ) | 10 | |
Saint Kitts and Nevis (KN) | 10 | |
Kazakstan (KZ) | 10 | |
Zambia (ZM) | 10 | |
Mozambique (MZ) | 10 | |
Sudan (SD) | 9 | |
Haiti (HT) | 9 | |
Papua New Guinea (PG) | 9 | |
Virgin Islands, British (VG) | 9 | |
Grenada (GD) | 9 | |
French Polynesia (PF) | 8 | |
Afghanistan (AF) | 8 | |
Yemen (YE) | 8 | |
Guadeloupe (GP) | 7 | |
Lao People's Democratic Republic (LA) | 7 | |
Liechtenstein (LI) | 6 | |
Seychelles (SC) | 6 | |
New Caledonia (NC) | 6 | |
Dominica (DM) | 6 | |
Faroe Islands (FO) | 6 | |
Madagascar (MG) | 6 | |
Greenland (GL) | 6 | |
Northern Mariana Islands (MP) | 6 | |
Suriname (SR) | 5 | |
Vanuatu (VU) | 5 | |
Benin (BJ) | 4 | |
Antigua and Barbuda (AG) | 4 | |
Gabon (GA) | 4 | |
Cook Islands (CK) | 3 | |
American Samoa (AS) | 3 | |
Rwanda (RW) | 3 | |
Monaco (MC) | 3 | |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VC) | 3 | |
Djibouti (DJ) | 3 | |
Andorra (AD) | 3 | |
Anguilla (AI) | 3 | |
Gambia (GM) | 3 | |
Cuba (CU) | 3 | |
Cote D'Ivoire (CI) | 2 | |
Marshall Islands (MH) | 2 | |
Aland Islands (AX) | 2 | |
Swaziland (SZ) | 2 | |
Kyrgyzstan (KG) | 2 | |
Malawi (MW) | 2 | |
Cameroon (CM) | 2 | |
San Marino (SM) | 2 | |
French Guiana (GF) | 2 | |
Micronesia, Federated States of (FM) | 2 | |
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the (CD) | 2 | |
Angola (AO) | 2 | |
Solomon Islands (SB) | 1 | |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon (PM) | 1 | |
Iran, Islamic Republic of (IR) | 1 | |
Palau (PW) | 1 | |
Lesotho (LS) | 1 | |
Niger (NE) | 1 | |
Tajikistan (TJ) | 1 | |
Liberia (LR) | 1 | |
Saint Helena (SH) | 1 | |
Bhutan (BT) | 1 | |
Samoa (WS) | 1 | |
Eritrea (ER) | 1 | |
Sierra Leone (SL) | 1 |
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