01 July 2011

AUSTRALIA Two Meteor Events 1JUL2011

Dandenong, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA Meteor ~4.50am 1JUL2011
So I was driving towards Dandenong (AUSTRALIA VICTORIA) this morning at around 4.50am its the 1st of July and i thought I saw firework but quickly realized the flame and colors surrounding More Green and Blue and yellow)were not that of a firework as it flashed bright yellow and disappeared. Was i seeing things or has there been reports?? It truly was amazing and beautiful? -Anon

Princes Highway Doveton,Victoria
I reported a sighting in the sky this morning and was the most amazing thing i have ever seen. At first it looked like a falling star I was driving on Princes Highway Doveton,Victoria i was driving towards Power road it was moving the same as a falling star accept it turned bright green and blue like a traffic light. I looked down at the traffice lights ahead and back up as it turned bright yellow and flashed and disappeared? I was driving so I did not take any pictures and it happened so fast less than 30seconds from being bright green and blue to a yellow flash and gone. I would love to hear if there has been other reports there was traffic on the roads and it looked pretty close?
I have never seen anything like it and my friends think i had too much sleep :(( I came home and googled and apparently a large Meteor just past the earth as i have been in bed sick and not watching television as i dont have one i only know what i read and saw this morning.
Regards,. Zena Neighbour from Melbourne, Australia.

Melbourne, Australia
Walking to my car last night at 4:50am coming back from work, out the front of Crown Casino heading south, blankly staring at the sky trying not to fall asleep i saw the HUGE green ball falling with a purple/white tail, it was only for a few seconds and i wondered where it landed because it seemed to be so close to where i was. Then after i got in my car i sat there for a bit trying to figure out what i had seen or if i was just REALLY tired. After getting home and yelling at my boyfriend to wake up so i could tell him, i drifted of to sleep. Decided to google it today and i found this! Good to know im not crazy and actually did see something!
Regards, Stephanie: Melbourne, Australia

Well when did this site come into being? I seen one way back around the 20/10/1998; I think just before NEAR got going, anyway what I seen changed my view on the sky forever, I became intrested in Astronomy but I will never forget that day my girlfriend was with me at the time and she also seem it, has anyone ever seen what looked like a large rock as big as a bus on fire, I mean fire on the rock, I could tell it was spining, not only did I see the smoke spariling I see purple flames sparling behind the rock as well, if you would like to see my drawing please contact me on facebook seaye stephen. I would love to know if we were the only ones....good luck with the site it look brill... Anon.

Clayton, Melbourne Victoria at 7pm July 1st 2011
My partner and I were travelling east along Browns Road in Clayton, Melbourne Victoria at 7pm July 1st 2011 when we saw a bright yellow light travelling from the left to the right of the sky, falling on about a 45degree angle. The light burned bright yellow and white and travelled through the sky for at least ten seconds. It was clearly visible for a lot longer than the average falling star and it appeared closer to the earth that what an “average” falling star would appear. It burned brightly and clearly for several seconds before changing in colour to a vivid blue/green before eventually burning out. It had a very long tail and it looked more like a cartoon comet. It seemed to have a huge fire ball head. It looked almost like it would not burn up completely as it passed through the atmosphere and we wondered if some rock may have actually hit the earth. It initially appeared to both of us that an aircraft had actually fallen from the sky, that’s how close it appeared to be in relation to the earth. It seemed to eventually burn up and disappear. The colours were spectacular and unlike anything either of us had ever seen before. It is something we will both never forget. It was so completely different from a falling star. Mark and Marnie, Clayton, Melbourne, Victoria, AUSTRALIA

Melbourne Australia Meteor ~05:00 1JUL2011
Hello all, my name is Richard and i live in Melbourne Australia. Walking to my car at approximately 05:00 01/07/2011 when i turned around and saw a blue white neon like flame shoot downwards for about 2-3 secs. It was in the eastern sky because i checked it's relevance to the southern cross. I thought i heard a popping noise as it disapeared over the houses but i can't be absolutely sure. I love seeing this phenomena because you get a feeling of connection with the cosmos. -Richard Leigh

My dad saw exactly the same as you described just before 8pm looking out from keysborough on 01.07.11

We need your reports if you saw this:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com
  Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you!
2011 Year of Meteors!


Anonymous said...

Well when did this site come into being? I seen one way back around the 20/10/1998; I think just before NEAR got going, anyway what I seen changed my view on the sky forever, I became intrested in Astronomy but I will never forget that day my girlfriend was with me at the time and she also seem it, has anyone ever seen what looked like a large rock as big as a bus on fire, I mean fire on the rock, I could tell it was spining, not only did I see the smoke spariling I see purple flames sparling behind the rock as well, if you would like to see my drawing please contact me on facebook seaye stephen. I would love to know if we were the only ones....good luck with the site it look brill...

Anonymous said...

i too saw something of a green fire ball with a bright blue tail that went into the western hemisphear. it seemed as it faded to explode or burst into several smaller pieces. it was about 12:45 am july 1st. i saw it here in california from the siera nevada mountains

Jake T. said...

Friday, July 1st 2011... 10:40pm Eastern Time.
Industry, PA, USA. Sitting on my back porch.
South to North in direction. It seemed to be about 2 minutes in length. To me it looked like a bright orange fireball with a white spot in the center..........................................

I wish I had gotten a picture.

Anonymous said...

Hi all, my name is Sharon and I saw the same thing at around 7pm on 1/07/11 as Mark and Marnie. I was driving South along Thomas Street Brighton East and the comet, if that was what it was was to the east. It looked to e to be a large yellow bright light with a long tail and then turned to a green colour, ten burned out. This all happened in I would say 5 seconds. It appeared to be very large and very close to the vicinity i was in. It was quite spectacular.
Sharon, McKinnon, Vic

Chadda said...

Friday 1st July, 2011 - 7pm. Location - Aspendale Beach, Melbourne, Victoria (Just South of Mordialloc Pier - 38°00'47.30" S 145°05'19.84" E) I was walking South along beach with dogs stargazing as usual. I saw what appeared to be a meteor (could have become a meteorite it seemed so close to the earth) moving at a 45 degree angle toward Port Philip Bay from the South East toward the West North West approx. 3-6 kms South of Mordialloc Pier and approx. 4-7 kms from Aspendale foreshore where I was located. The object appeared very bright (at least Apparent Magnitude -10) and consisted of a bright burning ball/head which was green in colour and an orange/yellow tail. The object was observable for approx. 3-5 seconds before seemingly slowing it's decent rate and breaking into multiple smaller orange balls and burning out. I wouldn't be surprised if part of the object survived and now is at the bottom of Port Philip Bay. I would estimate that the object appeared to my South West at approx. 40-30 degrees above my horizon and travelled to a point approx 5-10 degrees above my horizon….it seemed VERY close to the Earth (or Port Philip bay in this case). Amazing sight to see!!

Unknown said...

i today found what looks to be a meteorite at mt eliza foreshore getting it tested at monash uni i will let you all know

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