15 June 2011

Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, North Carolina Florida Meteor 15JUN2011

Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, Florida Meteor 0:5:19 am 15JUN2011
Image courtesy Steve Farmer-Red Barn Observatory Ty Ty, GA-Sandia Sentinel Fireball Camera Network
Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, Florida Meteor 15JUN2011
Neon Blue Markers = Meteor/Meteorite News Reports
Blue Circle Marker= Sentinel Allsky Camera Capture
Red Circle Marker indicates camera NOT capturing
v.6(c) LunarMeteorite*Hunter / Google Earth
All Rights Reserved - Copy by Written Permission Only
Video by Steve Farmer Sentinel Allsky

Posted on YouTube by  さんが 2011/06/18 250 views  
Video by Steve Farmer Sentinel Allsky

Columbia, SC Meteor ~5:20am EDT  6/15/2011
Saw one single fairly large meteorite fly across the western sky this morning at around 5:20am. It was a bright fireball with a trailing streak and then you could see crackles of fire as it burned up. Lasted around 2 to 3 seconds. - Lee R.  Thank you Lee!

Newnan, GA large green fireball 5:30 AM EDT 15JUN2011
6/15/11 (Newnan, GA) around 5:30 AM EST I saw a large green fireball in the western sky - long train - moving from north to south. -Anon.

Atlanta, Georgia ATL (Hartsfield Jackson)
I saw a green fireball trailing sparks over the ATL (Hartsfield Jackson) rental center as I was turning into the AVIS ramp at 5:00 am on 6/15/11. When I get home I will go on Google Earth to determine my exact orientation -George  Thank you George!

Montgomery, AL
I got a 5 second look (Peaches saw it for 3seconds) at a meteorite !!! This was about 4:20 am CDT in Montgomery,AL... JUNE 15,2011.The Meteorite appeared to come from a north western direction and went to the souteast. It was a bright greenish ball with a tail in tow!! We stood on a second floor entrance as it disappeared behind some trees. We did not hear anything or see the conclusion. It was most exciting to get a glimpse of such a phenonemon!!!! Thank You.
Diana & Isaac  Thank you Diana & Issac!
Crawfordville, Florida
At 5:15 this morning as I was driving to work I saw something streaking thru the sky. It was still dark and I watched go from west to East. I was at the crossroad Crawfordville Highway and Bloxham Cuttoff. Flames were coming out of the back. I thought it was a plane crash. I called the airport and police and they had not had any reports. There were cars behind me
so I was not the only one to see this.-Mary Merchant Thank You Mary!

Columbus, GA
At around 5:20 AM EDT on 15 June I witnessed a large white / greenish fire ball streak across the sky at Fort Benning in Columbus GA. It was visible for several seconds and appeared to be traveling in a southern direction. Sparks and burning particles were clearly visible falling off of the Meteor. It was the brightest thing I have ever seen in a dark sky, far more bright then a full moon.-Brian  Thank you Brian!

Montevallo, AL about 4:20 am (?)
There is an old Alabama Power building in Montevallo, AL that my friends and i were exploring. We got on the roof and i sat and stared out towards the south west. i saw a green ball of light falling from the sky. it had a giant tail of green as well. this was the biggest meteorite i had ever seen. it lasted about 5 seconds and traveled from high in the south west sky towards low in the south east sky. it was about 4:20 in the morning. later on that day i met up with my boyfriend; he had seen it too, while he was on his way to work. -Jessica

Fanlew, Florida
I was on my way to work Weds. morning at 5:20 a.m. when a huge bright blue ball came flying past at an incredible speed. I live in southern Jefferson county Fla. in a small community named Fanlew, way out in the woods so to see something so spectacular was a little frightening at first but then became amazing. I feel that this may have been a once in a lifetime event and am so glad that I got the chance to see it firsthand. -Kaye  Thank you Kaye!

New Bern, NC
In the evening on wed,June 15 2011 a meteor streaked across the northern sky. It lasted under two seconds,however it was very brilliant and clearly visible to the naked eye here in New Bern, NC. pieces of the meteor broke off of the main fireball as it entered the atmosphere. A very exciting sighting. Many of the residents in the area were present as though there was for warning of the meteors arrival. -D. Tallman
We need the Date and Time of these events Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor, Start and Stop location in sky, Direction of movement, Duration of Event (seconds), Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Thank you! Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well.
  2011 Year of Meteors!

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