15 June 2011

Breaking News -MBIQ Detects Texas Meteor with Fragmentation Fireball Event 14JUN2011

Breaking News - MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query) has just detected a Texas Meteor Fireball Event for ~11:30 pm CDT 14JUN2011
Texas Meteor 14JUN2011 ~11:30pm CSTNeon Green Markers = Sighting Reports
Red Circle Markers = Sentinel Allsky Camera Locations
Red Flame Marker= Fragmentation and Sonics
v.1(c) 2011 LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo/ Google Earth
All Rights Reserved
We need your report of this meteor event if you witnessed it, please answer the questions listed below in red and email: LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com  Thank you! -Tokyo
Waxahachie, TX 11:41
Guest501 (guest): Waxahachie, tx 11:41 went the full length of the sky and changed from white to blue to green the disappeared  Thank you!

Waco/Hewitt, Meteor with Fragmentation TX 11:30 CST June 14,2011
At approximately 11:30 CST June 14,2011 I viewed an object streak
across the sky that burned yellow, broke into three parts and left a
green trail. I was in south Waco/Hewitt and this was to my
northwest. No video or pics. Too fast.
Larry McCord Thank you Larry!!

Austin, TX
Date/time: Tuesday June 14th 2011, not sure exact time but between
Saw it to my right while driving north on I 35N around the MLK/Cameron
Rd exit just before I35 splits into the lower and upper deck exits.
It was very fast within seconds, seemed like a fireball (mostly red)
falling at an angle, I was driving 70mph and the thing was extremely
fast, got something falling out of glimpse of my eye and quickly
looked thinking it was some kind of firework but once I looked, I
realized it was a fireball/meteorite. It had to have fallen somewhere
within 50miles of Austin. Nere E.  Thank you Nere!

Marshall, TX
Date and Time of these events ?
June 14, 2011 Appx 11:20 pm
Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor?
Marshall, TX
Start and Stop location in sky?
Was in the western sky.
Direction of movement,
Duration of Event (seconds)?
Was moving from the south to the north.
Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun)?
Extremely bright. Much brighter than stars.color, sounds?
I believe the front of it was an orange color, but the tail was definitely a blue/green.
Casey and Leslie S.  Thank you very much for your kind report!

Hays County, Austin, Texas June 14, 2011 11:30CST 
Moving from Southest to North, high in the sky then down towards earth.  Bright as Venus, green color, moving fast but not like a shooting star. -Katherine R.
Thank you Katherine!

Waco, TX
It happened late at night on June 14, 2011, maybe around 11:30 or later.. I was in Waco, TX less than a mile west of I-35. I saw it midway through the sky and disappeared within a few seconds. It was falling at a steep angle and it only lasted a couple of seconds. It was a bright white/yellow color. It looked like a firework. I saw it break off into a few pieces. I didn't get any pictures or video but I wish I did cuz it was really cool! - Anne R.  Thank you Anne!

Mansfield, Texas
We need the Date and Time of these events 6/14/2011 11:30 pm
Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor, Mansfield, Texas
Start and Stop location in sky, i first saw it just to east of moon
Direction of movement, to the east and ground
Duration of Event (seconds), 3 4 seconds
Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) It was very bright and large like 1/3 size of the moon in the sky.
color, sounds? It was white with blue green glow at first then turned yellow red with objects shooting off of it. It was extremelly colorful going through several colors in a few seconds and hauling ass.
Photos? Videos? Way to fast we were sitting on the back porch and i yelled and my friend saw the whole thing as well. It was one of the coolest things I`ve ever seen in the sky.
Story H  Thank you Story!

Leander, TX
Date and Time of these events ?
About 11:20pm CST
Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor?
Leander, TX 78641
Start and Stop location in sky?
Somewhere in the East/Northeastern quadrant of the sky from my location
Direction of movement, Duration of Event (seconds)?
Object moved SW to NE or W to E and toward the ground, I could only see the fireball for about 3-4 seconds. It was moving extremely fast and appeared to break up.
Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun)?
color, sounds?
It was by far the brightest object in the sky, and probably half the size of the moon until it appeared to break up. The object was red, blue, white, and a few other colors.
Photos? Videos?
The meteor/fireball moved far too fast to get any photos or videos. It was quite a sight to behold though. -Ted D.  Thank you Ted!

Leander, TX
11:32 PM, travelling NW on US 183 near Leander, TX (I looked at the clock in my car)
At first I thought it was a bottle rocket or other firework because of the color and the fragmentation effect. The object appeared to be moving parallel to my direction, NNW and was to my right (east?). The angle of entry appeared to be shallow, about 30 degrees relative to the horizon. The fireball and streak seemed to be outpacing the car (but not by much) before burning out / dropping into the tree line. It lasted for what seemed like a couple seconds and left a clear “smoke” trail that dissipated pretty instantly, maybe a persistence of vision effect. Initially, the nucleus glowed orange with a “copper in flame” green halo that became progressively more green as the orange part burned up. There were three or four separate streaks moving in similar but not parallel directions as the object broke-up. The streaks associated with the smaller fragments terminated in midair, but the largest (Parent) chunk continued to glow until it dropped from view. The streak subtended about 10-15 degrees of sky near the horizon. I didn’t see it start, it just caught my eye with its brightness. No pictures since I didn’t anticipate the event. I either heard or imagined a hissing sound accompanying the visuals. It was pretty spectacular. -Sam Wilson
Sam,  Spectacular report! Thank you!- Tokyo

Conroe, TX
11:34 Central Standard time Tuesday June 14,
Good sized fire ball came through very fast from the South heading North North West. I am just slightly west of city limits of Conroe, TX. Looked as though it fell in-line with the south/north route of I-45. Head was white, bluish flames at tail, made no sound.
Julie S.G.  Thank you Julie!

Friendswood, Texas
I was driving northwest on I45 half way between Galveston & Houston at approximately 11:30 pm after treasure hunting at Stewart Beach. At the Friendswood exit a fireball fell from about 30 degrees above the horizon to 5 degrees slanting to the north with a very steep trajectory. It was directly out my front window & I suspected this was toward the central Texas area. The meteor or ? was brilliant white and broke apart, approximately a third fell off about half way through the 2 second event. Most spectacular I have seen since the fireball back in the '50's over north Texas. Due to the 200+ mile distance from other posters near Austin, I did not see colors, it was white hot in appearance. -John K. Jordan

Cleburne , Texas

We live in Cleburne , Texas and saw what appeared to be a big bright meteor Wednesday morning June 15, 2011 around 1 to 1:30 am from our deck that faces to the east. We had out of town visitors, which was the only reason that we would be sitting out on our deck at that time of the morning. Everyone got a chance to see some of the meteor before it broke up. The first person saw it streaking through the sky from the south going north to northwest, told everyone else, and then we all watched for the last few seconds until it broke up.
It was very bright, aqua blue color with green and red hues and a long tail. We only saw it for about 5 seconds at the most before it appeared to
break into two pieces. One of the other persons watching said that they thought in might have landed somewhere around the area, it was that clear. We didn’t get a picture and did not notice a sound, but everyone was talking so it might have been a factor. .-Jerry

Temple, TX
I believe this is the same meteor that I seen.
time around 11:30pm June 14, 2011
My location 10 miles southeast of Temple, TX in east Bell County.
(central Texas)
It was in the northwest at about 310 to 320 degrees. I first noticed it at about 50 to 60 degrees up where it streaked downward at a steep northward angle where it suddenly flashed brightened like it exploded then disappeared.
I did not see any separation, only one large flash.
It was a bright and wide streak at a speed of a slow meteor falling.
The final bright flash at the end of it was at about 20 degrees elevation.
It did not look like a common meteor. I felt like it was some man-made space junk. -DTX

Granbury, Texas
Saw this in Granbury, Texas while watching a movie at the drive in. It was approximately 11:30 pm on June 14, 2011. It was a large fire ball with sparks behind it. It was bright yellowish white and lasted about 3-4 seconds until it was hidden behind the drive in movie screen. My husband and I both saw it. I am bad with directions but I think it went west to east at a 45 degree or so angle. -Anon.

Lorena, TX June 14 about 11:30 pm
I live just outside of Waco, in Lorena. Friends and I saw it! Started out like a shooting star then got brighter and larger. Appearing to have a good size tail of flames, Very bright! It went a long time and was full of color then red before burning out in two parts. It was long enough for friends to say hey look, turn around and continue to watch it!
-Kim Fleischhaurer---------------------------------------------

Houston, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for falling star in Houston 6/14.
15:02:36 -- 1 minute ago

Marshall, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor over texas june 2011.
14:56:55 -- 5 minutes ago

Houston, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor houston tx june 14, 2011.
14:38:55 -- 1 minute ago

Cedar Park, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for asteroid over austin june 2011.
14:24:07 -- 3 minutes ago

Fort Worth, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fort worth sky shooting star.
14:09:46 -- 7 minutes ago

Mansfield, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorites 6/14/2011.
13:58:21 -- 19 minutes ago

Bullard, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Texas Green Fireball Meteor ~10:35 CST 12MAR2011" by searching for Blue green streak in dallas tx sky.
13:55:11 -- 22 minutes ago

Cedar Park, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Meteors 4/5FEB2011 Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for asteroid over austin june 2011.
13:49:28 -- 29 minutes ago

Waxahachie, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Cumberland, Rhode Island Meteor Fireball 2JAN2011 3JAN2011" by searching for metorite in waxahachie.
13:45:31 -- 33 minutes ago

Plano, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Texas Green Fireball Meteor ~10:35 CST 12MAR2011" by searching for meteor Waco Texas June 14.
13:41:21 -- 38 minutes ago

Tyler, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for Tyler texas meteor june 14 2011.
13:39:44 -- 40 minutes ago

Date and Time of these events ?
Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? 
Start and Stop location in sky?
Direction of movement, Duration of Event (seconds)?
Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun)? 
color, sounds? 
Photos? Videos? 
LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Thank you! Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well.
  2011 Year of Meteors!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Marble Falls, TX - Saw it

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