14 April 2011

Charleston, South Carolina Meteor 13APR2011

Spring hill, florida  possible meteor hit on the moon, ~10:20pm April 13th 2011
Michael Rollo: ive photgraphed and recorded a possible meteor hit on the moon, at approximately 10:20pm April 13th 2011 location is Spring hill florida. and it is still there to look at  if you have your scope out, or have one to bring out, id suggest to do so -Michael Rollo

W. Columbia SC Meteor ~10:33 pm 13APR2011
April 13th here in W. Columbia SC and I'm in the Three Fountains area and just saw a beautiful nice medium sized one streak across the sky at around 10:33 p.m. - Kit W.  Thank you Kit for the correct date!

Charleston, South Carolina, USA. bright, white "shooting star"10:30PM EST 12APR11
Guest872 (guest):Saw a bright, white "shooting star" about 5 minutes ago (around 10:30PM EST on April 13, 2011).We are located in Goose Creek, SC --right outside of Charleston, South Carolina, USA. It was very bright and stunning!
Other event:
Charleston, South Carolina Meteor 5:37 am 13APR2011
I was driving to work (Charleston SC) and today Apr 13 2011, at 5:37am
I saw a very fast burning ball going down towards the west. It was
very close, it should've landed very close to Charleston. -Michael S

See a meteor?  Email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com


Miss Ellie said...

Saw a huge meteor 13APR2011 near Decatur, Illinois. This was in the sky about a minute or longer. So bright my sons thought it was a hot air balloon at first! I have never seen one so bright and in the sky for so long.

Hrishi said...

Hi, I have seen few bright fireball drooping from sky (first was astonished and later realized that it may be asteroid pieces) here in Assam, India. I heard from locals that it was indeed was some asteroid pieces some founded by locals.But I believe there were many more pieces in an around.The place basically was full of hills and jungle.If anyone have equipment to search those pieces please feel free to contact me hrishikesh.medhi@gmail.com

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