19 February 2011

St Gaudens, Southern France Fireball 18:30 local time 18FEB2011

Southern France, St Gaudens. Fireball 18:30 local time 18FEB2011
18:30 local time, southern France, St Gaudens. Fireball, low altitude, heading NE to SW. Blue, yellow, sparks, then nothing. Heading towards Pyrenees. John C
Thank you John C. for your report.

Fireball, Perpignan, 18:30, 18FEB2011
I have seen the fireball from my home in Perpignan : it was heading SW, quite slowly, turquoise blue, white sparks, Heading towards Pyrenees.
Guillem TADDEI
Thank you Guillem for you very kind report!

Meteorite/Fireball La Ciotat France 18 february 2011 (email)
Approx 18h45 Friday 18 fevrier we saw a meteorite/fireball going across the sky from a south/south east direction heading west. It seemed very large and long and quite low and was orange/yellow with some blue at the mass (front). we saw it for approx 20 seconds only as there are large hills behind us which obstructed our view of its flight. Very unfortunately we did not have time to capture on camera but it was really quite amazing!
Hope this information is of use to you.
Anna Deslorieux
La Ciotat
Thank you Anna!

meteorite France (email)
Sorry, I didn't record the time and didn't have time to photograph but yesterday evening, maybe close to the time a fireball was reported by someone in Perpignan (although I think it was later, closer to 7 pm) I saw a large meteorite enter the atmosphere west of Biot, just north of Antibestravelling I'd guess north west and break into two large fragments and many
smaller, glowing orange at their leading margins accompanied by a bright flash of green light. Regards, John
Thank you John!

Meteorite sighting France
On Friday 18th early evening I happened to glance out of my window in Collioure, which looks directly out to the Pyrenees, and was very lucky to see a low flying oblong object, with sparking lights at the front, pass at speed between two mountains. The whole thing lasted about 5 seconds. Good to hear that others also witnessed this wonderful sight.
Thank You!

marina said...
France, Ariège, Vallée de la Lèze, around 18.30,
18 February 2011.

Have seen with a friend while driving towards the Pyrenees this incrédible beautiful turquoise blue fireball with orange-yellow sparks!!
Made a wish for my man whose sick in hospital!
Marina Dewit
My prayers are with you and your man; thanks for your post.

Ingrid+Olivia said...
My daughter and I witnessed this amazing sight from Canet d'Aude. The fireball was heading towards the Pyrenees leaving a blue and white trail and sparks on fragmentation.
Thank you both!

St Gaudens, Southern France Fireball 18:30 local time 18FEB2011
Hey Lunar Meteorite Hunter website administrator,
My name is Ilyes Zahi (28 years old), I am a young research engineer in Toulouse (France).
I see this big ball at this date (18 february 2011) from Castanet-Tolosan (10km south east from Toulouse, France) and it was heading south west.
This big ball was green mixed with red in front and white and yellow streak at the back.
It's seems to me that there was little ball vanishing behind the first big one.
I do not have recorded these marvellous scene.
Thank you for the information found on your website.
Now I can show a proof to my girlfriend.
Best regards,
Ilyes Zahi

 If anyone else from France saw or photographed this please email me at lunarmeteoritehunter@gmail.com  Thank YOU!


Unknown said...

France, Ariège, Vallée de la Lèze, around 18.30,
18 February 2011.
Have seen with a friend while driving towards the Pyrenees this incrédible beautiful turquoise blue fireball with orange-yellow sparks!!
Made a wish for my man whose sick in hospital!
Marina Dewit

Ingrid+Olivia said...

My daughter and I witnessed this amazing sight from Canet d'Aude. The fireball was heading towards the Pyrenees leaving a blue and white trail and sparks on fragmentation

alex said...

Alex de Pignans (83790)

Vu une boule de feu blanche (d'assez grande taille ?) avec une courte trainée blanche approximativement 18h40 locale. direction sud/sud-ouest. elle était bas sur l'horizon et semblait tomber assez lentement par rapport à des "étoiles filantes" par exemple. je n'ai pas pu voir son lieu de chute qui aurait pu être assez proche (Toulon ?).

Anonymous said...

Je l'ai vue aussi aux alentours de Sisteron, à la même heure, et depuis je cherche désespérément des gens l'ayant vue et me prouvant que je n'ai pas rêvé!!! C'est chose faite, merci!!

Raphael04 said...

Je suis rassuré de trouver d'autres observations car j'ai moi-même été témoin du phénomène que j'ai observé le 18/02 depuis le Plateau de Valensole (04) alors que je préparais mon télescope pour une belle soirée d'observation (qui commençait bien !).
J'ai immédiatement noté les infos suivantes :
- heure : 18h42 (Temps Local)
- azimut : SSE
- hauteur : environ 20°
- durée : environ 2s
- couleur : blanc et vert (cf. couleur de la combustion des sels de baryum)

La fragmentation du projectile initial était très nette, en 5 ou 6 morceaux qui se sont consumés très vite (bien avant d'atteindre une hauteur compatible avec un possible impact).

Je suis très curieux de croiser tous les témoignages et d'avoir plus d'infos sur la nature de ce qui est tombé ce soir là...

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