23 February 2011

Italy Fireball 00.27.54 ± 1 U.T. 22FEB2011

fireball from Italy
Italy Fireball 00.27.54 ± 1 U.T. 22FEB2011

(c)Ferruccio Zanotti 2011 All Right Reserved
(c)Ferruccio Zanotti 2011

Projected Flight Path (c)Ferruccio Zanotti 2011

    Fireball 2011.02.22_00.27.54 ± 1 U.T.
Complete path (J2000)
RA start: 122.828
Decl : -7.527
RA end: 118.429
Decl : -15.435
Time of transit: 1.40
Trail duration: 0.24
Fragmentations: 1
Flares: 1
Apparente Max Magnitude: -4.2 ± 0.5
Zenithal Magnitude: -7.1 ± 0.5
Meteor Stream: SPO
First order spectrum: NO
Color shot: YES

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