17 February 2011

Alberta Canada Green Meteor Fireball 14FEB2011 Update- Meteorite on Ground!

Valentine`s Day Meteorite Yet to be Found in Canada!!!

Alberta Meteor 14FEB2010 W=eyewitness location
(c)Lunarmeteorite*Hunter \ Google Earth 2011
Streaking asteroid fireball sets Monday morning skyline alight

..."Alan Hildebrand, Canadian Fireball Reporting Centre co-ordinator and University of Calgary department of Geoscience associate professor, said one person managed to catch the falling asteroid on video."...

..."However, he added the rock probably landed about 300 or 400 kilometres west of the city, either in Revelstoke or Kamloops, and was about 100 kilograms."...

Read more: http://www.calgaryherald.com/Streaking+asteroid+fireball+sets+Monday+morning+skyline+alight/4292238/story.html#ixzz1E8mBoW00


Posted on YouTube by CalgaryHeralddotcom  17 February 2011  26views

My original post: http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com/2011/02/alberta-canada-green-meteor-fireball.html 

Grande Cache, Alberta, Canada 6.48 a.m. Large green meteor fireball 14FEB2011
Feb 15 2011, 3:40 AM (Tokyo Timestamp)
Guest528 (guest) wrote:
Grande cache alberta 6.48 a.m. Large green meteor ? came from east to south east lost sight in moutains  
Please contact me by email; we may need your contact to find the meteorite(s)!  lunarmeteoritehunter@gmail.com  Thank You!

Calgary, Alberta Canada greenish meteor heading West-South West 6:55am MST February 14, 2011
Anonymous wrote, February 14, 2011. I saw a greenish meteor heading West-South West at approximately 6:55am MST west of Calgary, Alberta Canada.


Anonymous said...
I saw the same meteor this morning on my way to work. Green colour. Lasted a few seconds. Spectacular. 4th fireball I've seen.
12:20 PM TYO

Anonymous said...
Saw it too. Was exiting deerfoot to glenmore trail......pretty cool stuff. Calgary meteorite
2:22 PM TYO

Anonymous said...
Another sighting of same in Calgary, 6:55AM MST meteor. Blue-Green. I was driving West on Glenmore trail (just under the Crowchild Trail ramp). Appeared to be heading East to West.
4:28 AM TYO

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wyckoff NJ. about 12:30 pm saw a flash in the sky.

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