15 August 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 15AUG2010

Perseid meteor shower occurs during the week

Perseid meteor shower going on there for a week, and the peak occurred on the second night. According to the United States space agency, NASA, the meteor ...

Perseid Meteor Shower August 2010 a Beautiful Natural Display of Fireworks (VIDEO)

Associated Content
Perseid meteor shower August 2010 is underway, as the meteor shower began on July 23 and extends until August 24. The peak of this year's Perseids was ...

Looking toward the heavens

Pittsburg Morning Sun
By ANDREW NASH Josh Cochran, Greenbush observatory director, believes that meteor showers are a show for everyone. “I think the thing that's great about ...

500 show up to American West Heritage Center's meteor event

The Herald Journal
The Friday event coincided with the height of the Perseid meteor shower, which creates a steady stream of shooting stars in late summer. ...

Perseid Meteor Shower Adorns the Sky Again

TopNews United Kingdom (blog)
Meteor shower is back this year. Each year during this time, the Earth passes through the orbit of a comet called Swift-Tuttle, which results in a meteor ...

El Paso skycam records large meteorite
A skycamera in El Paso, Texas, recorded the basketball-ized meteorite that lit up the early morning sky Tuesday. Video from ...

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