31 July 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 31JUL10

Suspected meteorite was concrete lump that fell from passing plane
Daily Telegraph Fri, 30 Jul 2010 08:42 AM PDT
A suspected meteorite that landed on a cricket pitch was in fact a lump of concrete probably dislodged from the bottom of a passing aircraft, experts have concluded....

Fireball SE of Tulsa, Oklahoma
At 11:03 PM CST last night (30JUL2010), I was traveling N-S on Hwy 169 in Tulsa when I
caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a fragmenting fireball south and east of
Tulsa. It appeared to be heading in a S-SW direction. Estimated rough
magnitude of -8 or so.
I only caught a brief glimpse, maybe a little more than a second. I did not
notice a persistent train afterward, although it was a hazy, muggy night with
bright moon low in the east.
I was cursing Delta earlier in the evening for getting me home much later than
scheduled, but the delay paid off in the end.
Will post a fireball report at AMS.
Bill, Coweta, OK- posted on meteorobs

Tour August's Sky by Eye and Ear!

Sky & Telescope
Prospects are good for this month's Perseid meteor shower — there's no interference from Moonlight! The year's best-known display of "shooting stars" peaks ...

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