04 December 2009

4DEC09 Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

火星の隕石やはり生命痕NASAが新証拠 ニュース 宇宙 YOMIURI ...
ワシントン山田哲朗13年前火星に生命が存在したかどうかの論争に火をつけた 隕石 いんせき にはやはり生命の痕跡があるとする新証拠を米航空宇宙局NASAが30日 ...

Stolen Meterorite Returned
WCBI Columbus Thu, 03 Dec 2009 14:57 PM PST
TUPELO -- The 1,100-pound meteorite stolen last year from Leake & Goodlett has been returned to the business on Main Street. The stone was taken off its pedestal by thieves on Nov. 19, 2008 and was delivered by truck to the store today. No one has taken responsibility for the theft. (Fake Stolen Meteorite Returned)

Scientist Smackdown: Are There Signs of Life in a Meteorite From Mars?
Discover Magazine
ALH 84001, the meteorite of Martian origin that NASA scientists claimed in 1996 contained evidence of life on Mars, has returned to the scene. ...

Mars Had Liquid Water in Recent Past, Rover Finds
National Geographic
The area is filled with cooled lava flows pitted by meteorite impacts. While on a routine drive, Spirit broke through a thin crust of hard soil that capped ...

Goldpreis weiter auf Rekordjagd: 1.226,10 pro Feinunze
DiePresse.com - Wien,Austria
Es gibt heute eine billige Technologie Meteoriten gezielt z. ... Dabei wird mit einem Spiegel Sonnenlicht auf eine Stelle des Meteoriten gelenkt wodurch ...

Museum Puts 'Martian Colony' on Display
NASA scientists who recently examined the Natural History Museum's fragment of the Nakhla meteorite believe bumps on its surface are fossilized Martian ...

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