18 October 2009

Meteor/Meteorite News- 17OCT'09

Vandalism proves to be meteorite damage

Welland Tribune
Now Yvonne and son Tony are the surprised owners of a new windshield -- and five tiny, black and silver fragments of shattered meteorite. ...
Orionid meteor shower to peak on October 21

Washington, October 17 (ANI): Reports indicate that this year's Orionid meteor shower would peak on October 21, and could produce up to 20 meteors per hour. ...
Saturday Brew: Geographic Personality Profiling, Reference Library Reno ...

The meteorite that I mentioned a few Saturdays ago has been found by a family living in Grimbsy, Ontario. They originally thought that the broken windshield ...

Meteorite shatters car windshield in southern Ontario

Ottawa Citizen
The meteorite landed in the yard of Grimsby, Ont. resident Tony Garchinski. GRIMSBY, Ont. — When Tony Garchinski saw five small chunks of black rock sitting ...

Southern Cross Stargazer

Maximum activity from the annual Orionid Meteor Shower occurs between midnight and dawn today. Glittering debris from the dust tail of long-gone Comet ...

Gifts From the Heavens and Sea in Quebec

New York Times
Some 350 million years ago, a huge meteorite collided with this part of what is now eastern Canada and created the roughly 2300 square miles of valleys and ...

Meteorite the culprit in act of supposed vandalism

Globe and Mail
Researchers are hoping that now this rock has been found and the public knows what a meteorite looks like, more will turn up. Because they found it – or, ...

Ont. family finds 4.6-billion-year-old meteorite in truck's windshield
The Canadian Press via Yahoo! Canada News Fri, 16 Oct 2009 15:00 PM PDT
GRIMSBY, Ont. - The Garchinski family of southwestern Ontario had thought vandals were responsible for a smashed windshield in their truck.

4.6-billion-year-old meteorite smashes windshield in Grimsby
Toronto Star Fri, 16 Oct 2009 14:22 PM PDT
The Garchinski family had thought vandals were responsible for a smashed windshield in their truck.

Ont. Family At Centre Of Scientific Find; Meteorite Crashes Through Windshield
CityNews Fri, 16 Oct 2009 14:09 PM PDT
A southwestern Ontario family has unwittingly found themselves at the centre of a rare scientific find.

Dino-killing crater crashed near India: Prof
Dose Fri, 16 Oct 2009 13:55 PM PDT
An American professor says he has proof that the massive meteorite that killed the dinosaurs 65 million years ago actually crash-landed off India's west coast.

Grimsby family shows off visitor from space
St. Catharines Standard Fri, 16 Oct 2009 12:42 PM PDT
Yvonne and Tony Garchinski are the proud new owners of five tiny meteorite fragments. They also have a new windshield, after the space rock smashed into their Pathfinder three weeks ago.[...]

Space rock smashes windshield
St. Catharines Standard Fri, 16 Oct 2009 12:41 PM PDT
The Grimsby meteorite has been found. But the space race is far from over, said Phil McCausland, an astrophysicist at the University of Western Ontario.[...]

Meteorite from Sept. 25 fireball event recovered and presented
PhysOrg Fri, 16 Oct 2009 12:38 PM PDT
When Tony Garchinski heard a loud crash just after 9 p.m. on Friday, September 25 he didn't think much of it. That is, until he awoke the next morning to find the windshield of his mom's Nissan Pathfinder with a huge crack in it. Making note of the 'unusual' rocks he later found on the car's hood, Garchinski chalked the incident up to vandalism and filed a police report.

Meteorite crashed into an SUV near Hamilton
CTV Toronto Fri, 16 Oct 2009 11:37 AM PDT
Astronomers say they have found a meteorite fragment the size of a golf ball near Hamilton, which they believe streaked across the night sky above Southern Ontario in late September.

S. Ontario meteorite fragment hit SUV
CBC.ca Fri, 16 Oct 2009 09:33 AM PDT
Astronomers at the University of Western Ontario have recovered a golf-ball sized fragment of a meteorite that hit an SUV in southern Ontario.

Small meteorite broke windshield of SUV
Hamilton Spectator Fri, 16 Oct 2009 01:41 AM PDT
GRIMSBY (Oct 16, 2009) - Scientists say a golf ball-sized rock that smashed through the windshield of an SUV is a meteorite, possibly from a spectacular fireball that streaked across the sky above Hamilton three weeks ago.

Massive meteor impact off India—not Mexico—may have ended the Dinosaurs

In comparison, the meteor that struck the Yucatan Peninsula which is commonly believed to have killed the dinosaurs was between 8 and 10 (5 and 6.2 miles) ...

Looking Up: Clouds come and go, but stars shine on

Norwich Bulletin
If you are tired of earthly showers, hopefully the clouds will part long enough for you to see the meteor shower that arrives every mid-October. ...

Dino-killing crater crashed near India: Prof

Vancouver Sun
A professor says the massive meteorite that killed off the dinosaurs 65 million years ago seems to have landed off the west coast of India. ...

4.6-billion-year-old meteorite smashes windshield in Grimsby

Toronto Star
After learning a 4.6-billion-year-old meteorite was instead to blame, they're thrilled to be at the centre of a rare scientific find. ...

Dinosaur-killing space rock may have landed near India

Vancouver Sun
An American professor says he has proof that the massive meteorite that killed the dinosaurs actually crash-landed off India's west coast. ...

Orionids Meteor Shower Starts This Weekend

National Geographic
Spawned by Halley's comet, which last buzzed the planet in 1986, tiny space rocks are the seeds of the annual Orionid meteor shower. ...

Meteorite crashed into an SUV near Hamilton

Astronomers say they have found a meteorite fragment the size of a golf ball near Hamilton, which they believe streaked across the night sky above Southern ...

Strong Meteor Shower Peaks Wednesday Morning

By Geoff Gaherty The Orionid meteor shower, one of the biggest and brightest of the year, is at its peak Wednesday morning, Oct. 21. ...

Tremendous fireball over the Netherlands

Discover Magazine
In general, meteorites from deep space are not hot, but this is a bit different; it would have fallen from a decaying orbit, meaning a slower speed and a ...

Moon rock lands in Norwich

Norwich Evening News
Youngsters from across the city will be able to get their hands on some moon rocks and meteorites at a Norwich science centre this half term. ...
S. Ontario meteorite fragment hit SUV

Astronomers at the University of Western Ontario have recovered a golf-ball sized fragment of a meteorite from an SUV in southern Ontario. ...

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