15 September 2009

Chinese Meteor/Meteorite News- 15SEP09


新华网 - ‎6 時間前‎
据国外媒体报道,一项最新调查发现,阿根廷完全有资格宣布阿拥有全球规模最大的陨石坑群。该陨石坑群位于巴塔哥尼亚区的“魔鬼坡”。 调查发现,巴加达·迪尔·迪亚布洛 ...

Argentina found that the largest crater groups: with hundreds of impact craters
Xinhua - 6 hours ago
According to foreign media reports, a recent survey found that Argentina has fully qualified to declare A group of the world's largest crater. The crater cluster in the Patagonia region, "the devil slope." The survey found that Bajia Da Di Erdi yablonitskiy ...



人民网 - ‎2009年9月12日土曜日‎
北京时间9月11日消息,据英国《卫报》报道,美国宇航局地球观测卫星上月公布了一系列最新的太空照片,从血管状加拿大冰原到海面漂浮着淡蓝色浮游生物的巴伦支海,让我 ...

Space to see the Earth: From the Sahara to the forest fires in Crater
人民网- September 12, 2009
On soil Yao Beijing September 11, according to the British "Guardian" reported that NASA's Earth observation satellites announced last month range of the latest space pictures, from the blood vessel-like Canadian ice floating in the pale blue sea plankton in the Barents Sea, let me ...


阿根廷魔鬼坡 发现世界最大陨石坑群

大纪元 - ‎2009年9月9日水曜日‎
【大纪元9月9日报导】(中央布宜诺斯艾利斯9日法新电)今天发布的一项调查指出,阿根廷(Argentina)拥有全球规模最大的陨石坑群,地点在巴塔哥尼亚高地(Patagonia ...

Argentina Devil slope found in the world's largest crater
大纪元- September 9, 2009
(central Buenos Aires 9, AFP) Today released a survey, Argentina (Argentina) has a group of the world's largest crater, located at Highland Patagonia (Patagonia ...


重庆展出上万件奇珍异石 钛金石开价一亿元

中金在线 - ‎2009年9月8日火曜日‎
北京天文馆的高级工程师张宝林告诉记者,这些石头都来自遥远的太空,全是陨石。 张宝林拿了一块陨石递给记者,这块陨石乌黑透亮,与同样体积的石头相比,明显要重许多 ...

Chongqing display of precious stones on the 10000 Titanium Stone asking price 100 million yuan
中金在线 - September 8, 2009
Beijing Planetarium senior engineer Zhang Baolin told reporters that the stones came from distant space, all meteorites. Zhang Baolin took a meteorite gave journalists, translucent piece of black meteorite, as compared with the same volume of stone, obviously should be placed on a number of ...



美国侨报 - ‎2009年9月9日水曜日‎
该航天飞机的宇航员快速地开始了其在傍晚进行的对机身的检查,看是否有微型陨石损坏机身的迹象,以保证他们的飞船能够安全返回。 在这次的飞行使命中,发现者号携带了 ...

Discovery and seven astronauts home the U.S. withdrawal of the International Space Station
China Press - September 9, 2009 Water Yao astronauts on the space shuttle began its rapidly in the evening inspection conducted on the body to see if there is signs of micro-meteorite damage to the fuselage in order to guarantee their safe return spacecraft. In this flight mission, Discovery carrying ...


臺灣新浪網 (Taiwan) - ‎2009年9月13日日曜日‎
新浪科技訊北京時間9月14日消息,據國外媒體報導,一項最新調查發現,阿根廷完全有資格宣布阿擁有全球規模最大的隕石坑群。該隕石坑群位於巴塔哥尼亞區的『魔鬼坡』。 調查發現,巴加達‧迪爾‧迪亞布洛(Bajada del Diablo)隕石坑群占地400平方公里,分布著至少100個隕星 ...

Argentina has discovered the largest crater groups: with hundreds of impact craters
Sydney Morning Herald - September 13, 2009
SAN FRANCISCO September 14, according to foreign media reports, a recent survey found that Argentina fully competent to declare A has the world's largest crater base. The crater cluster in the Patagonia region slope 』『 devil. The survey found that Deere ‧ ‧ Ba Jiada Diablo (Bajada del Diablo) crater base covers an area of 400 sq km, scattered at least 100 meteorites ...


新華網湖北頻道 - ‎2009年9月13日日曜日‎
數億年前,一顆小行星或彗星落到乍得北部的撒哈拉沙漠,相撞產生的奧隆加隕石坑在這張衛星照片上清晰可見。奧隆加隕石坑被認為已有3.45億至3.7億年的歷史,是世界上保存最為完好的撞擊坑之一。 新地島(Novaya Zemlya)是位于俄羅斯海岸附近的一個北冰洋群島。 ...

Space to see the Earth
Xinhua Hubei Channel - September 13, 2009 on the number of days Yao billion years ago, an asteroid or comet fell on the Sahara desert in northern Chad, the collision produced Aolong Jia crater in this satellite photo the clearly visible. Ao Longjia crater was felt that we had 345,000,000 to 3.7 million years old, is the world's best preserved crater one. Novaya Zemlya (Novaya Zemlya) is located in one of Russia's Arctic Ocean archipelago off the coast. ...

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