02 February 2009

Bolide Over Oklahoma/Texas 30SEP2008 photo

Bolide over Oklahoma/Texas 30SEP2008 by Howard Edin 
(c)2008 used with permission

Photograph Information
09.30.2008, 02:19 CDT
Kenton, OK
Canon 20D, Tokina 12-24 lens set for 12mm @f4.
Single 30 second exposure at ISO 1600
50°F, 75%RH, Excellent transparencyInitial RAW conversion, slight asinh stretch in IRIS. Calibrated with bias, dark and flat frames. Noise reduction in PixInsight LE 1.02 Additional adjustments in Photoshop CS2

David Wang captured the same meteor using a fisheye lens. See the Okie-Tex photo page for that image.
Source: Howard Edin http://www.howardedin.com/photos/otsp2008-bolide.html

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a fantastic picture of a bolide. Can I have your permission to reproduce it in my forthcoming popular book on meteorites.The main aim of this book is to bring awareness about meteorites amongst general public. Of course I will be highly grateful for your permission and due credit will be given for the picture.
Prof.Narendra Bhandari
Physical Research Laboratory,
Ahmedabad 380009,India
email: nnbhandari@gamil.com

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