03 February 2005

2005 Meteor/Meteorite News-UPI/AP newswires

2005 Meteor/Meteorite News-
Sources: UPI/AP newswires

DEC 2005-JAN 2005

Studies challenge notion that Mars once was warm and wet
Author: ALICIA CHANG AP Science Writer
Date: December 21, 2005 Publication: Associated Press Archive
Two new studies are challenging the notion that the desolate Martian plains once brimmed with salty pools of water that could have supported some form of life.
Instead, the studies argue, the layered rock outcrops probed by NASA's robot rover Opportunity and interpreted as signs of ancient water could have been left by explosive volcanic ash or a meteorite impact eons ago. That would suggest a far more violent and dry history than proposed by the scientists operating...
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Only two larger ones of...
challenge notion that Mars once was warm and wet
Author: ALICIA CHANG AP Science Writer
Date: December 21, 2005 Publication: Associated Press Archive
Two new studies are challenging the notion that the desolate Martian plains once brimmed with salty pools of water that could have supported some form of life.
Instead, the studies argue, the layered rock outcrops probed by NASA's robot rover Opportunity and interpreted as signs of ancient water could have been left by explosive volcanic ash or a meteorite impact eons ago. That would suggest a far more violent and dry history than proposed by the scientists operating...
Geologists: No Mars water, just meteorites
TEMPE, Ariz., Dec. 21 (UPI) --


Huge meteorite discovered underground in area of Kansas rich in space rock
Date: November 11, 2005 Publication: Associated Press Archive
A rare 1,400-pound meteorite was discovered seven feet underground by a collector in an area long known for producing prized space rocks. Using a metal detector mounted on a three-wheel vehicle, Steve Arnold of Kingston, Ark., found the huge meteorite two weeks ago in Kiowa County's Brenham Township in southern Kansas. The meteorite is classified as an oriented pallasite, a type noted for a conical shape with crystals embedded in iron-nickel alloy. Only two larger ones of...
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Meteorites may have caused ancient lava
PROVIDENCE, R.I., Oct. 28 (UPI) --


Meteorite unlocks solar system secrets
TALLAHASSEE, Fla., Sept. 27 (UPI) --


Red planet may not have been hot
PASADENA, Calif., July 22 (UPI) --

UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News
Drilling set at Chesapeake Bay meteor site ... British butterfly popuation is decreasing ... U.S. healthcare costs are double Canada's ... Prostate treatment with low side effects ... News from United Press International.

Drilling set at Chesapeake Bay meteor site
BALTIMORE, July 18 (UPI) --

Norwegian fjords, world's largest meteorite crater among new U.N. protected sites Author: ALEXANDRA ZAVIS Associated Press Writer Date: July 14, 2005 Publication: Associated Press ArchiveNorwegian fjords and the world's oldest and largest meteorite crater in South Africa were among seven natural wonders added Thursday to the United Nation's list of protected World Heritage Sites. The additions were made at the 29th session of the U.N. Environmental, Scientific and Cultural Organization's World Heritage Committee, taking place this week in the South African coastal city of Durban. The vast crater southwest of Johannesburg was formed... Click here for complete article ($1.50)



The Almanac

Meteorite momument in Scotland
GLASGOW, Scotland, May 21 (UPI) --

Scientists size up 'backyard' meteorite
CHICAGO, April 14 (UPI) -- U.S. scientists are studying a meteorite that literally landed in their back yard.


In the Stars: A second chance for exolife?
WASHINGTON, March 31 (UPI) -- A weekly series by UPI examining new discoveries about the cosmos. This week: Dying stars go through a stage where they expand to many times their original size, and new research suggests this stage might be long enough in some cases for life to take hold

Residents report streak of light over southern Oregon, Washington state
Associated Press Writer Date: March 13, 2005 Publication: Associated Press Archive
Dozens of residents in the Pacific Northwest reported seeing a bright streak of light as it flashed across the sky, startling witnesses from southern Oregon to the Seattle area, according to officials. Scientists said the flaming object was probably a meteor, and that it likely disintegrated before any fragments fell into the Pacific Ocean. "It was like a big ball of fire," said Summer Jensen, who was in her living room Saturday night when she saw the flash of...
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Meteorite dust sheds clues to solar system ST. LOUIS, March 4 (UPI) --


Living bacteria found in ocean sediments
CARDIFF, Wales, Feb. 23 (UPI) -- Welsh scientists said they have found living bacteria inside sediments about 16 million years old and located about a half-mile below the ocean's surface.

Lady Luck watches over Mars rovers
WASHINGTON, Feb. 21 (UPI) -- The spectacular success of NASA's twin Mars rovers is due obviously to the skills and determination of the scientists and engineers involved in the mission, but luck also contributed to an amazing degree.


Suspected Meteorite Hits Cambodia
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — An unidentified object that crashed to Earth in northwestern Cambodia (
search) has some villagers believing it may have divine power, police said Wednesday.
The hard, black rocklike object, weighing about 9.9 pounds, fell from the sky into a field about 19 miles north of Sisophon early Monday morning, said Sok Sareth, the Banteay Meanchey province police chief.
Hundreds of villagers rushed to the site to pray, believing it had divine power.
Local police initially thought a land mine had exploded in the area — a former war zone. The object made a hole 15.75 inches deep and burnt nearby grass and leaves.
Sok Sareth said he transferred the object to his office for further investigation by geologists and land mine clearing experts, ignoring requests from villagers to return it.
"Some people said others who have been possessed by spirits told them that unless the object is returned to where it landed, people in the community will experience hunger or disease," he said.
"But I don't believe that. Some people just made it up to try to profit from it."

Meteorite lands in Cambodian rice paddy
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia, Jan. 26 (UPI) --

NASA rover finds meteorite on surface of Mars, offering clues to how planet's surface changes
Author: JOHN ANTCZAK Associated Press Writer
Date: January 19, 2005 Publication: Associated Press Archive
NASA's Opportunity rover has determined that a strange bubbly rock on the surface of Mars is actually a meteorite, offering a new clue into how the martian surface is made and remade.
Scientists are not so much interested in the meteorite itself. Rather, they want to see if other objects nearby also are meteorites and how martian winds are reshaping the planet. If sand is continually blowing in and being deposited on the surface, burying things and building up terrain over...
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NASA rover finds meteorite on surface of Mars
Author: JOHN ANTCZAK Associated Press Writer
Date: January 19, 2005 Publication: Associated Press Archive
In a stroke of luck, the NASA rover Opportunity has discovered a basketball-size metal meteorite sitting on the surface of Mars, the mission's main scientist said Tuesday.
Scientists believe the meteorite might lead to clues about how martian winds are reshaping the planet's surface. Opportunity came upon the meteorite last week while performing other tasks. Tests confirmed it was a nickel-iron meteorite, said Steve Squyres, a Cornell University scientist who is...
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JAN 2005

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