02 March 2011

Ireland Meteor 8.30pm GMT 1MAR2011

Galway, Ireland meteor 1st March 2011 8.30pm GMT
Last night I saw an amazing meteor streak fairly slowly across the sky on an even trajectory - though it seemed to be quite low it didn't appear to be falling. It was travelling due west over southern Ireland and I would guess it hit somewhere in the Atlantic ocean.  Time was 8.30pm GMT and the meteor was huge, yellow and had a red and yellow fiery tail.  I could see the meteor itself burning.  Absolutely beautiful - I have never seen anything like it before.
ricia Tierney

Thank you Tricia!

Ash wrote:
I was on a bus from Limerick to Cork last night (1st March), it was an ultra clear night. It was just after 8.30pm and my girlfriend shouted 'shooting star' and we watched it and it kept going for up to 6-8 secs until the horizon. It had a very long white and orange tail that, to me, looked like it was burning up as it entered the atmosphere.
It is definatly a sight to see firsthand. Though I'm sure the dinosaurs didn't thinks so.

Ann-marie wrote:
Last night i seen a meteor I was heading towards fota island ,cork when I spotted it ,it looked very low down and like it was heading in the direction of the city it was around 8:30 pm it was in the sky for about 8 seconds,fantastic sight to see .

Helston, Cornwall 8.30 March 1st
8.30 March 1st (approx) while out fishing at Loe Bar Beach near the Lizard peninsula myself and a friend saw the most spectacular meteor we have ever seen and we have seen a few... It lasted for around 4-5 seconds (seemed longer)came from the SW of us and disappeared to the NW over Penzance. It had the best trail we have ever seen with visable sparks trailing from it as it burned out. At one stage the tail briefly went out then lit up again... Was this the same one as seen from America?
It must have been a big one, has anyone any idea how big it was or how can I get info?
Mark (Helston, Cornwall)  
This was NOT the same one seen in the US.  I have no further information on size please contact the Armagh observatory perhaps they can answer your questions?

Mark Baguley wrote: Hello all... The meteor that fell at approx 8.30gmt yesterday evening, is the any way of finding out how big it was? great sight.
Yes, contact the Armagh Observatory http://www.arm.ac.uk/


Unknown said...

I was on a bus from Limerick to Cork last night (1st March), it was an ultra clear night. It was just after 8.30pm and my girlfriend shouted 'shooting star' and we watched it and it kept going for up to 6-8 secs until the horizon. It had a very long white and orange tail that, to me, looked like it was burning up as it entered the atmosphere.
It is definatly a sight to see firsthand. Though I'm sure the dinosaurs didn't thinks so.

Anonymous said...

Hello there, Mark from Cornwall.
I saw it too I was fishing on Loe bar beach which is near to the Lizard peninsula. I see a lot of shooting stars while fishing and this one was far the best I have ever seen, it appeared from the SW and burned out to the NW on the horizon over Penzance. The meteor had a nice firey tail which had visible sparks trailing from it. I was out with my mate Roger who usually misses shooting stars because they are usually over before they start. This one was amazing. I am thinking!!! How big was this? Is there any way of knowing??

Mark (Helston, Cornwall)

Anonymous said...

I saw the one over Cornwall too, I was playing football at Mullion and pointed it out to the rest of the team. Ive seen shooting stars before but never one that lasted for several seconds. Would be interested in hearing from others that saw it and any info concerning it??

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