03 November 2010

Quebec City Bolide- Canada Meteor News 2NOV2010 3NOV2010

Quebec City Bolide- Canada Meteor News 2NOV2010
There are reports tonight of a bright bolide moving west to east and lasting from 4 to 6 seconds passing over Quebec City. Reports also say it was breaking up as it passed through around 19:15 pm. local time.

Chris Spratt
Victoria, BC


Anonymous said...

J'ai vu le météorite hier soir vers 19h15 -19h20 .

Tres suprenant à voir (premiere fois de ma vie)

Duré = 5 seconde

Le tout a fini tranquillement le météore se consumment tranquillement.

Robert Linteau

Caroline A. said...

I saw this meteor at around 7:20 on Nov. 2, 2010.

It was very bright white, with a long sparkling tail moving roughly from east to west. It broke into a handlful of pieces before it disappeared from view.

The duration of the event was approximately 4-5 seconds long and was viewed from Pincourt, Quebec (suburb west of Montreal).


Males149 said...

I saw it too: very bright and ending like a sparkler!
Around 7h20-7h25 from Quebec City Canada

Anonymous said...

Moi aussi j'ai vu ce magnifique météorite vers 19h20. Très très magnifique et surprenant à voir de toute beauté ! Duré est environ 5-6seconde heureuse d'avoir vu ça pour la première fois, et suis contente de ne pas être la seule à l'avoir vu.

Anonymous said...

Sylvie de Drummondville

Anonymous said...

I saw spectacular event as well. I was facing north, and went back out with a compass today. My view was unobstructed - noticed it at about 12 degrees up from horizontal, at 100 degrees (magnetic). It reached a peak at about 35 degrees - perhaps 40, then traveled NW toward 32o degrees, exploding in a fireball at about 15 - 18 degrees up from the horizontal. I thus saw it nearly from the eastern horizon and had the eery visual deception that it's trajectory was going up initially as it traveled overhead- much closer in appearance in the sky than any other meteor I have seen - including the impression of a smoky tail - which may be a vivid imagination on my part. I am in Holderness, NH. Sorry I am not using correct lingo, but hope this helps. Enough landmarks around that with guidance I could describe it more accurately(just over a nearby building)

Jordan said...

A friend and I also saw it from Montreal. Had the same impression of the meteor's trajectory rising. Very dramatic and bright during the whole of its appearance and break-up.
Must be a sign.

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