31 July 2015

NW Iran Bolide Meteor 30JUL2015

NW Iran Bolide Meteor 30JUL2015
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NW Iran Bolide Meteor 30JUL2015Avaj, Qazvin, IranEshtehard, Alborz, IranBoeen Zahra, Qazvin, Iran
c2015 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
Last night there was a report of a superbolide in most parts of NW-Iran. The news is propagated in the media.  -Hamed Pourkhorsandi

Image for the news result
Iran confirms meteor hit
Trend News Agency‎ - 2 hours ago
Iran has confirmed that a meteor has hit somewhere in the northern part of the country.
NOTE--image shown is NOT of the Iranian event; but that of Buzzard Coulee, Canada in 2008.

"The meteor landed in Avaj in the province of Qazvin, Mohammad Ali Ahani, director of Qazvin Crisis Management Staff said, Mehr news agency reported July 31.
Also, there have been reports that some pieces of rock have hit areas in Eshtehard, Alborz Province, Arsalan Qasemi, governor of Boeen Zahra, county in Qazvin Province, said."

The last Iranian meteorite fall event on 27th June in Iran (meteorite being under study in CEREGE).
Link- http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.jp/2015/06/iran-bolide-meteor-27jun2015-produced.html

Information Source-Hamed Pourkhorsandi

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1 comment:

Darkelited said...

I am commenting on the the Iran meteorite strike. Has anything been confirmed yet. It is the third of September, and I still can't find anything on the subject besides articles like these

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